FAST Academic Literature Bibliography

Ackley, M. K. & Cullen, P. M. (2010). Strengthening families through community collaboration: Implementing the Families and Schools Together (FAST) program. Children & Schools, 32 (3): 183-186.

Billingham, S.C. (1993). Evaluation Research Design for the Family and Schools Together Program (FAST) [Doctoral dissertation]. Chicago (IL): DePaul University. 

Condon, M., Lavery, L. & Engle, J. P. (2015). Measuring social capital: Accounting for nested data and subnetworks within schools. Social Indicators Research, 126 (3): 1189-1207.

Crozier, M., Rokutani, L., Russett, J. L., Godwin, E., & Banks, G. E. (2010). A multisite program evaluation of Families and Schools Together (FAST): Continued evidence of a successful multifamily community-based prevention program. School Community Journal, 20(1): 187-207.

Fearnow-Kenney, M., Hill, P. & Gore, N. (2016). Child and parent voices on a community-based prevention program (FAST). School Community Journal, 26 (1): 223-238.

Fiel, J. E., Haskins, A. R. & Lopez-Turley, R. N. (2013). Reducing school mobility: A randomized trial of a relationship-building intervention. American Educational Research Journal, 50 (6): 1188-1218.

Fiel, J., Shoji, M. & Gamoran, A. (2015). An intervention approach to building social capital: Effects on grade retention. In: Y. Li (ed.), Handbook of Research Methods and Applications in Social Capital (pp. 262-291). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.

Fischer, R. L. (2003). School-based family support: Evidence from an exploratory field study. Families in Society: Journal of Contemporary Social Services, 84 (3): 339-347.

Fletcher, J., Fairlough, A., & McDonald, L. (2013). Engaging young parents and their families in a multi-family group work intervention: Lessons for a pilot in England. Practice: Social Work in Action, 25 (3): 151-167.

Frederico, M. & Whiteside, M. (2016). Building school, family, and community partnerships: Developing a theoretical framework. Australian Social Work, 69 (1): 51-66.

Gamoran, A., Lopez-Turley, R. N., Turner, A. & Fish, R. (2012). Differences between Hispanic and non-Hispanic families in social capital and child development: First-year findings from an experimental study. Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, 30 (1): 97-112.

Guenther, J. & Mal, G. (2014). Learning from evaluations of school-family strengthening programs: Lessons for all. Evaluation Journal of Australasia, 14 (2): 42-51.

Guerra, N. G. & Knox, L. (2008). How culture impacts the dissemination and implementation of innovation: A case study of the Families and Schools Together programme (FAST) for preventing violence with immigrant Latino youth. American Journal of Community Psychology, 41 (3-4): 304-313.

Hafford-Letchfield, T. & Thomas, B. (2018). Bridging communities through co-learning and participation in parenting programmes: A case from the Families and Schools Together project. In: A. Melling & R. Pilkington (eds.), Paulo Freire and Transformative Education: Changing Lives and Transforming Communities (pp. 141-152). London, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.

Hafford-Letchfield, T., Thomas, B. & McDonald, L. (2018). Social work students as community partners in a family intervention programme. Journal of Social Work, 18 (5): 598-617.

Hernandez, L. (2000). Families and Schools Together: Building Organizational Capacity for Family-School Partnerships. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Family Research Project. Available from:

Hernandez, L. P., Hernandez, A., Lopez, M. E., Kreider, H., & Coffman, J. (2000). Local and national implementation of the Families and Schools Together (FAST) program. School Community Journal, 10 (1): 85- 110.

Knox, L., Guera, N. G., Williams, K. R., & Toro, R. (2011). Preventing children’s aggression in immigrant Latino families: A mixed methods evaluation of the Families and Schools Together program. American Journal of Community Psychology, 48 (1-2): 65-76.

Kratochwill, T. R., McDonald, L., Levin, J. R., Bear-Tibbetts, H. Y., & Demaray, M. K. (2004). Families and Schools Together: An experimental analysis of a parent-mediated multi-family group programme for American Indian children. Journal of School Psychology, 42 (5): 359-383.

Kratochwill, T. R., McDonald, L., Levin, J. R., Scalia, P. A., & Coover, G. (2009). Families and Schools Together: An experimental study of multi-family support groups for children at risk. Journal of School Psychology, 47 (4): 245-265.

Layzer, J. I., Goodson, B., Creps, C., Werner, A., & Bernstein, L. (2001). National Evaluation of Family Support Programs: Volume B. Research Studies: Final Report. Abt Associates, Inc.: Cambridge, MA.

Lindsay, G. & Strand, S. (2013). Evaluation of the national roll-out parenting programmes across England: The parenting early intervention programme (PEIP). BMC Public Health, 13 (1): 972.

Lindsay, G., Cullen, S., & Wellings, C. (2011). Bringing Families and Schools Together: Giving Children in High-Poverty Areas the Best Start at School. London, UK: Save the Children. Accessed at:

Lopez, R. N., Gamoran, A., McCarty, A. T. & Fish, R. (2017). Reducing children’s behavior problems through social capital: A causal assessment. Social Science Research, 61 (1): 206-217.

Lord, P., Styles, B., Morrison, J., White, R., Andrade, J., Bamford, S., (2018). Families and Schools Together (FAST): evaluation report and executive ssummary. (accessed 12 November 2018).

Maalouf, W. & Campello, G. (2014). The influence of family skills programmes on violence indictors: Experience from a multi-site project of the United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime in low and middle income countries. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 19 (6): 616-624.

McDonald, L. (2015). Families and Schools Together (FAST). In: J. J. Ponzetti (ed.), Evidence-based Parenting Education: A Global Perspective (pp. 244-264). London, UK: Routledge.

McDonald, L. & Doostgharin, T. (2012). UNODC Global Family Skills Initiative: Outcome evaluation in Central Asia of Families and Schools Together (FAST) multi-family groups. Social Work & Social Sciences Review, 16 (2): 51-75.

McDonald, L. & Sayger, T. V. (1998). Impact of a family and school based prevention programme on protective factors for high risk youth. Drugs & Society, 12 (1-2): 61-85.

McDonald, L., Billingham, S., Conrad, T., Morgan, A., O., N., & Payton, E. (1997). Families and Schools Together (FAST): Integrating community development with clinical strategies. Families in Society: Journal of Contemporary Human Services, 78 (2): 140-143.

McDonald, L., Conrad, T., Fairtlough, A., Fletcher, J., Green, L., Moore, L., & Leeps, B. (2009). An evaluation of a groupwork intervention for teenage mothers and their families. Child & Family Social Work, 14 (1): 45-57.

McDonald, L., Coover, G., Sandler, J., Thao, T., & Shalhoub, H. (2012). Cultural adaptation of an evidence- based parenting programme with elders from South East Asia in the US: Co-producing Families and Schools Together (FAST). Journal of Children’s Services, 7 (2): 113-128.

McDonald, L., FitzRoy, S., Fuchs, I., Fooken, I., & Klasen, H. (2012). Strategies for high retention rates of low- income families in FAST (Families and Schools Together): An evidence-based parenting programme in the USA, UK, Holland and Germany. European Journal of Developmental Psychology, 9 (1): 75-88.

McDonald, L., Miller, H. & Sandler, J. (2015). A social ecological, relationship-based strategy for parent involvement: Families and Schools Together (FAST). Journal of Children’s Services, 10 (3): 218-230.

McDonald, L., Moberg, D. P., Brown, R., Rodriguez-Espiricuta, I., Flores, N. I., Burke, M. P., & Coover, G. (2006). After-school multifamily groups: A randomized controlled trial involving low-income, urban, Latino children. Children & Schools, 28 (1): 25-34.

Mechielsen, J., Galbraith, M. & Andrew, W. (2014). Reclaiming indigenous youth in Australia: Families and Schools Together. Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Problems: Reclaiming Children and Youth, 23 (2): 35-41.

Miller, H., Robinson, M., Valentine, J. J. & Fish, R. (2016). Is the feeling mutual? Examining parent-teacher relationships in low-income, predominantly Latino schools. American Journal of Education, 123 (1): 37-67.

Moberg, D.P., McDonald, L., Posner, J.K., Burke, M.L., Brown, R.L. (2007). Randomized trial of Families and Schools Together (FAST): final report on NIDA Grant R01‐10067.

Park, S. & Kaplan, D. (2015). Bayesian casual medication analysis for group randomized designs with homogeneous and heterogeneous effects: simulation and case study. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 50 (3): 316-333.

Patrikakou, E.N., Weissberg, R.P., Redding, S., & Walberg, H.J. (2005). School‐family partnerships: enhancing the academic, social, and emotional learning of children. In: Patrikakou E, Anderson AR editor(s). School‐Family Partnerships for Children’s Success. New York: Teachers College Press.

Rangel, D. E., Shoji, M, N. & Gamoran, A. (2020). The development and sustainability of school-based parent networks in low-income Latinx communities: A mixed-methods investigation. American Educational Research Journal, 57 (6): 2450-2484.

Rangel, D. E., & Valdez, C. R. (2017). A Culturally Sensitive Approach to Large-Scale Prevention Studies: A Case Study of a Randomized Controlled Trial With Low-Income Latino Communities. The Journal of Primary Prevention38(6), 627–645.

Sass, J.S. (1999). Comprehensive evaluation report for the Canadian replication of the Families and Schools Together (FAST) program. Annual Meeting of the American Evaluation Association; 1999; Nov 3‐6; Orlando (FL). [ERIC: ED435689;]

Shoji, M. N., Haskins, A. R., Rangel, D. E. & Sorensen, K. N. (2014). The emergence of social capital in low-income Latino elementary schools. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 29 (4): 600-613.

Spoth, R.L., Randall, G.K., Trudeau, L., Shin, C., & Redmond, C. (2008). Substance use outcomes 5 1/2 years past baseline for partnership‐based, family‐school preventive interventionsDrug and Alcohol Dependence 2008;96(1‐2):57‐68.

Terrion, J. L. (2006). Building social capital in vulnerable families: Success markers of a school-based intervention program. Youth & Society, 38 (2): 155-176.

Terrion, J. L. & Hogrebe, A. (2007). A Canadian experience with an intervention program for vulnerable families: Lessons learned for German social work and policy. European Journal of Social Work, 10 (3): 401- 416.

Usiskin-Cohen, E. (2016). Does community CAMHS miss a trick? A FAST approach to preventative work in the community. In: T. Afuape & I. B. Krause (eds.), Urban Child and Adolescent Mental Health: A Responsive Approach to Communities (pp. 128-142). Abingdon, UK: Routledge.

Vaez, H., Zargar, Y., Naami, A., Doostgharin & Honarmand, M. M. (2019). The effects of Families and Schools Together (FAST) program on behavioral problems of students. Journal of Psychological Achievements, 26 (2): 89-112.

Valdez, C.  R., Mills, M., Bohlig, A., & Kaplan, D. (2013). The role of parental language acculturation in the formation of social capital: Differential effects on high-risk children. Child Psychiatry and Human Development, 44 (2): 334-350.

Valdez, C. R., Padilla, B. & Valentine, J. L. (2013). Consequences of Arizona’s immigration policy on social capital among Mexican mothers with unauthorised immigration status. Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 35 (3): 303-322.

Valdez, C. R., Shewakramani, V., Goldberg, S., & Padilla, B. (2013). Parenting influences on Latino children’s social competence in the first grade: parental depression and parent involvement at home and school. Child Psychiatry and Human Development, 44 (5): 646-657.

Valdez, C. R., Valentine, J. L., & Padilla, B. (2013). “Why we stay:” Immigrants’ motivations for remaining in communities impacted by anti-immigration policy. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 19 (3): 279-287.

Valentine, J.C., Leach, S.M., Fowler, A.P., Stojda, D.K. & Macdonald, G. (2019). Families and Schools Together (FAST) for improving outcomes for children and their families. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 7: # CD012760.

Warren, K., Moberg, D. P., & McDonald, L. (2006). FAST and the arms race: The interaction of group aggression and the Families and Schools Together programme in the aggressive and delinquent behaviors of inner-city elementary school students. Journal of Primary Prevention, 27 (1): 27-45.

Warren, K., Schoppelrey, S., Moberg, D. P., & McDonald, L. (2005). A model of contagion through competition in the aggressive behaviors of elementary school students. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 33 (3): 283-292.

Wattenberg E, & Pearson Y. (1996). Defining Excellence for School‐Linked Services: A Summary of Proceedings of the Conference Held September 14, 1995 at the University of Minnesota. Minneapolis (MN): Center for Urban and Regional Affairs, 1995. [ERIC:] \

Last Updated October 2022